In the United States, a homeowner association is a corporation formed by a real estate developer for the purpose of marketing, managing, and selling of homes and lots in a residential subdivision. It grants the developer privileged voting rights in governing the association, while allowing the developer to exit financial and legal responsibility of the organization, typically by transferring ownership of the association to the homeowners after selling off a predetermined number of lots. ​ 

Membership in the homeowner’s association by a residential buyer is typically a condition of purchase; a buyer isn’t given an option to reject it.  Most homeowner associations are incorporated, and are subject to state statutes that govern non-profit corporations and homeowner associations. ​ The Brenford Station II developer (A-Del) has stepped away from their financial and legal responsibilities for our HOA and turned it over to us… the homeowners.  During the past few years, your HOA Board members have been working diligently to gather information and explore options to make our community a beautiful place to live in.  As members of this new community and the Brenford Station II HOA, we have some major decisions to make that will impact not only our community, but each of us. It is critical that as many homeowners as possible engage in this process and participate in the decision-making process going forward.   If you have any questions or concerns, please contact one of the HOA board members. We thank you and look forward to building community relationships.

HOA Board Members: 
Freddie Barnes, President 
Ginny Cuello-Ward, Vice-President 
Darlene Turner, Secretary
Burnel Wilkins, Board Member

​Common Misconceptions

There has been some confusion and misconceptions about the difference between your HOA Board of Directors and Premier Property Management Company. Many homeowners get mixed up about what their HOA Board is responsible for and what they can expect from their property management company. Some think they’re the same, while others don’t know the property management company exists. The uncertainty is totally understandable since this is something completely new to many of us. Hopefully, we will have a better understanding of the dynamics between the Board and PPM and how interaction and business relationships between the two impacts you and the community. Here is the difference between the two.

​Depending on the time of the purchase of your new home here at Brenford Station II, you may have learned that this community was governed by an HOA Board. If your home purchase was earlier (before all homes were built), the HOA Board was not formulated yet. Once the community was near completion of the 67 homes, the process of electing an HOA Board began.

Your HOA Board is comprised of “volunteer” homeowners from your community. Some of the roles and responsibilities of the HOA Board include:

  • Ensuring that homeowners comply with governing documents of the corporation. The governing documents, bylaws and declaration of restrictions or CCR’s (covenants, conditions and restrictions) of your Brenford Station II Maintenance Corporation book that was given to you by K. Hovnanian, has a detailed explanation of these governing documents.
  • Develop and enforce the Bylaws and CCR’s for the betterment of the entire community.
  • Develop and enforce the bylaws and CCR’s for the betterment of the entire community.
  • Oversee the maintenance of the common areas of the community.
  • Obtain bids from contractors and make selections based on the needs of the development.
  • Conduct semi-annual community meetings to communicate ideas and solicit feedback and ideas from the residents of the community.
  • Conduct monthly board meetings to exercise sound business judgment and follow established management practices that are in the best interests of the community.
  • Assist in developing the annual budget and develop monthly financial reports.
  • Expect homeowners to meet their financial obligations to the community by paying their HOA fees. 
  • Direct Premier Property Mgt to collect dues and communicate with the residents of the community via regular mail, email, etc.
  • Approves the proposals of architectural changes of the homeowners that are submitted to the property management company (PPM). 

Premier Property Management Company’s responsibilities include:

  • Works for the HOA Board.
  • Oversee the day-to-day operations of the board.
  • Receives the architectural proposals of the homeowners and submit them to the board for approval. PPM then processes the approvals.
  • Responsible for paying the bills of services provided to the community, i.e., Town of Smyrna and contractors hired by the board.
  • Collection of HOA fees and maintaining records of such.
  • Forward balances from Alliance Bank to the HOA board.
  • Communicates with the residents of the community (postal mailings, emails, etc).
  • Routinely inspects the community and reports CCR violations to the board. Will notify residents of the reported violations.
  • Maintain transparency to the board and the community.


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